Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Why I choose not to eat meat.

Ok so people ask me why do you choose not to eat meat, well one reason is look at what they are feeding cattle today-the dead, ground up carcasses of other feed lot animals who for whatever reasons did not make it to the slaughterhouse. And speaking of the slaughterhouse, what kind of reaction do you think would occur in your body if somebody put a choke chain around your neck and made you watch everyone around you be beheaded. You would be pumped so full of adrenaline from all that fear and unused adrenaline is extremely toxic. All that meat you consume is packed with this toxic substance! Not to mention all of the hormones and antibiotics the animals are pumped with these days. Also consider the fact that, cattle, sheep, chickens etc are pretty much all vegetarians so when you are eating them you are pretty much just eating polluted veg. Why not skip all the waste and toxins and just eat healthy, organic veg? Where do you think horses get their protein from. They are vegetarians! They get it from the grains and grasses they eat. We are no different. We can get enough protein from whole grains, raw nuts, seeds, beans, fruits and veg. Why are we making things so complicated for ourselves? Your sick? Look at the food your eating. You don't like how you feel? Look at your food. I feel fat but can't lose weight? Again look at your food. People ask why are so many  dying from cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc etc, the list goes on! The answer my friends is this, we are what we eat and if you don't change the way you eat today unfortunately these diseases will catch up with you. You are in control of this!  The only person that can stop you from becoming sick is YOU! Take care and look after yourself. Much love. Dani.