Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Chlorella - The Multivitamin

We all need Multivitamins in our daily life. The food we eat today, simply just isn’t enough to nourish us completely. However, DO NOT  reach out for the synthetic pill form. Go and buy chlorella instead! This is money well spent.

See Chlorella as your new Multivitamin. Algas are known to be one of the most complete foods on this planet. You would be able to survive only on this! Pretty good stuff right?

Chlorella's healthy fats, complete set of amino acids, good supply of fibre, unique chlorella growth factor, and 20 vitamins and minerals give your body the nutrition it craves. If you are craving anything bad or something is breaking down in your body it is simply because your body is lacking in a vitamin or mineral.

Chlorella is a complete protein, this means it has ALL the amino acids, plus all kinds of minerals, enzymes, chlorophyll, Beta carotene, vitamin C, E, K, B complex, RNA, DNA,  folic acid, biotin, choline, phosphorous, magnesium, germanium, sulphur, iron, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, iodine and cobalt.

It also grows healthy bacteria in our gut. Remember we need these in order to live a healthy, vibrant life and when the gut is healthy this means our immune system is also strong which keeps our body running in tip top condition.

Chlorella is also amazing for children, helping them to grow and stay healthy.

Here is a list of all the other amazing benefits of this miracle food:

·         It keeps your mind sharp and alert.

·         It supports eagle eyesight.

·         Helps your heart pump blood through flexible, healthy arteries.

·         Keeps digestion easy and comfortable.

·         Keeps every joint moving smoothly right down to your baby toe.

·         Gives you energy.

·         Helps you sleep better.

·         May even help you lose a few pounds.

·         Your hair, skin and nails will be in amazing condition.

·         It heals intestinal lining.

·         Helps remove chemicals, toxins and heavy metals from the body. Basically Chlorella takes away what's dragging you down! Imagine trying to go through your day dragging a big bag of rubbish behind you. Think about how carrying around all this stinky rubbish slows you down and tires you out. That's what toxins do to your body. Except they're not a bag slung over your shoulder. They're inside you, in every nook and cranny, getting in the way of everything your body needs to do. Even worse, sometimes they actively work to destroy your healthy tissue and create chaos in your body's chemical reactions. With chlorella's help you can get rid of this interference, allowing your body to work at its most efficient.

·         It enhances muscle growth (listen up body builders).

·         Glow promoting food. Helps to carry oxygen around the body, which is important for radiance.

·         Extremely alkalizing to the body, helping to balance your PH.  

·         Helps fight candida.

·         Slows down aging.

Mark Drucker, M.D. from the Centre for Advanced Medicine explains it like this, "Chlorella is one of the best overall nutritional products a person can take. It works on the two key elements that control our health . . ."

1.    It provides us with a tremendous amount of nourishment; and

2.    It helps our body rid itself of toxins that destroy our health.

Chlorella's superfood nutrition gives your body what it needs to take care of itself.

How to take:

·         Best taken on an empty stomach. I like to take 1 Tbsp. in coconut water first thing in the morning.

·         Begin with 1tsp. until your body is used to it.

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