Monday, April 15, 2019


Disruptions in the microbiome in its early development can result in health challenges later with children who have been prescribed these at a young age. Children who have compromised microbiomes due to the use of antibiotics at a young age have a much higher risk in adulthood in developing things like allergies, diabetes, other autoimmune diseases, asthma & even obesity.

📍Chronic use of antibiotics can lead to obesity through the devastating impact they have on the gut microbiome. They change the composition of the gut bacteria to favour strains that encourage WEIGHT GAIN.

📍They also have a devastating impact on our immune system as they wipe out ALL bacteria, this means we are left with a very weak immune system, which is unable to fight off major chronic issues such as autoimmune diseases & even cancer.

📍They are destroying our guts. The purpose of an antibiotic is to save our life but they are being widely mis-used today & most people aren’t aware of how bad they are on our guts & how they can trigger future health problems down the line.

📍I took antibiotics for years for chronic acne to then be left with an autoimmune disease a few years later.

📍If for any reason you have to take them please make sure you are eating fermented foods & taking a good probiotic supplement too but don’t take the two together. Space them out through the day.

📍Please only take an antibiotic if you really need too. If it’s for a minor thing like a cold etc....- food is there as a natural healer & that won’t destroy your immune system. It will only make it stronger.

📍I recently had a client who was 10 years old with IBS. As I looked into his health history it turned out he had taken antibiotics at the age of 2. His IBS was triggered from the age of 2 & the use of antibiotics. Children do not fully develop an immune system till the age of 3. They shouldn’t be having antibiotics ideally at all. If you take antibiotics & you do not repopulate the gut & then you continue to eat badly, the bad bacteria start to grow & will trigger CHRONIC INFLAMMATION, LEAKY GUT etc...& then you are on a downward spiral of health.

📍Please only take for emergencies. #beautyandthegut@holistic_dani

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